Monday, January 21, 2019

Best blog niches for bloggers to earn in 2019

Blogging. You must have thought about starting your own Blog at some point in time if you want to earn money online. You must have thought of doing away with your excruciating daily job. You must have thought of becoming your own boss rather than following the instructions of someone else day in day out. But there is something that holds you back. Something that you are uncertain about. 

And that something is - what do I blog about? What are some of the best niches that can guarantee success? The good thing about Blogging is that you can blog about whatever appeals to you. No one can tell you what your niche should be. It is totally up to you to decide. People will tell you "do this and money will flood in, do that and you will soon be rich." 

But at first, your motive should not be to run after money. You need to find out what you excel in. What subject you are good at. Because money will come only if you cater to the needs of the people. And to do that you must possess a huge amount of knowledge. 

Having said that, there are some niches that appeal to more people than others. If you are interested in any of these niches than your chances of owning a successful blog are slightly higher. So here is a compendium of some of the best blog topics -

1- How to earn money - This one is an obvious choice. If you can tell people how to make money, you can certainly earn a good amount in return. People want money. They want to earn more money. They want to earn money in the easiest possible way. All you have to do is help them find some legitimate ways to earn.

You can tell them about Blogging, Affiliate marketing, YouTube videos, PTC/GPT websites etc. This kind of blogs also gives you the option to sell products that can easily skyrocket your earning. Most of the successful bloggers earn tons of money in this niche. So share your earning secrets and get money.

2- Fitness-related blogs - We all want to stay fit. We all want to keep diseases at bay. We all want to assimilate a healthy lifestyle. But the unfortunate thing is that most of us do not know what we should do in order to remain hale and hearty. Where do we start from? That is why we need someone who can guide us. 

If you are a fitness freak, this could be your niche. You can advise people on what to eat, what exercises are good for them. What to do and what to refrain from. There are lots of people awaiting your pieces of advice. Later on, you can also endorse some products related to your niche, which are aplenty.

3- Educational blogs - People learn differently nowadays. The internet has changed everything. It has changed the way people try to find knowledge. Education is no longer restricted to books. People look for other options as well. It opens up a whole lot of opportunities for you. If you love passing on your knowledge, you can start a blog. 

Do you know how many people learn languages online? They are constantly looking for new and easy ways to master a language. So if you know more than one language you can start an educational blog. The more knowledge you share, the more you earn. 

4- Motivational blogs - We all seek motivation periodically. Because we all get disheartened every now and again. And unfortunately, we are more troubled today than we have ever been. So if you are a ray of sunshine, you can cheer people up and you have the knack for lifting people's spirits, this could be your slot. 

Just start a blog and make people's lives better. Write something that can fill their hearts with happiness and hope. Make them feel better about themselves. Tell them that ups and downs are part and parcel of life. There is nothing better than making people happy. Go for it.

5- Travel - People love to travel. They want to know about some of the most exciting places on earth. They want to learn from people's experience. They want to spend their hard-earned money visiting the best sites on this planet. So if you love traveling around the world, you can start a traveling blog. 

You will have to help people find their ideal destinations and in lieu of that, you will get money. So it is time to get started. Let people explore their favorite cultures. Just travel across the globe and share your experience with your readers.

6- Review of new products - This one is also a very good option to get a good amount of traffic. There is always something new on the market. If you love trying new products as soon as they arrive, this niche would be a great option for you to get your blogging career off the ground. 

People seek expert opinions before purchasing any new product. They do not spend their money on products they do not know much about. So you will have to tell people about the pros and cons of the products they are interested in buying. Over time you will also get the opportunity to promote different products on your platform.

7- Food - Are you a foodie? have you got some recipes to share? Then it is not a bad idea to start a blog revolving around food. It might not look as remunerative as others mentioned-above but do not underestimate its potential. If you have something worthwhile to share, people are bound to get attracted to your blog posts.

You can tell people about making different dishes, or you can give them an insight into the food that your country has to offer. All in all your aim is to talk about food. You must have the art of cooking some delicious articles.

8- Talk about fashion- Well, who does not want to look beautiful. We all try our best to standout wherever we go and whenever we go. And on top of that, we all need the latest tips from the experts to look better. People want to copy their favorite stars.

They are always interested in knowing about the attires they are donning. So if you have something stylish to offer, this niche belongs to you. The good thing about this niche is that it is always in demand. If you have a good fashion-sense then just start sharing your knowledge, and see your blog grow.

These are some of the best blog niches to embark on this beautiful voyage of blogging. But again, as I said these are not the only options. You should not be limited to them only. At the end of the day, your aim is to have a blog. 

It is all about turning your passion into a profession. So shake off all the doubts and start sharing your knowledge. There is nothing exciting than Blogging in this world of online earning.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

How To Start A Blog & Make Money Out Of Blog (Guide)

You have luckily landed on the right page in order to build a superb blog. In this post, I will guide you in making a super blog that too with simple and easy steps. It doesn't matter whether you are in school, college, organization or even a retired person. The steps involved in building a blog is so easy that anyone can do it. You just need passion, interest and basic computer skills to start a blog.

This digital world has made it possible for all of us to make a great amount of money from the comfort of our home in various ways. Blogging is one of them. Presently there are more than 500 million websites that fall under the category of blogging. If you ever thought of starting a blog then start it today and share your wisdom to the world. In case, if you are wondering whether you should start a blog today and what are benefits of starting a blog then let us first understand why you must start a blog.

Why You Must Start Your Blog Right Now?

According to one of the survey study based on digitalization across the globe by Hootsuite says "Currently there are more than 7.6 billion people across the globe, out of which 4.3 billion are active internet users" which means more than half of the world is on the internet today. You can connect to the world through your blogs where you can share your thoughts to the world, you can solve problems of people through your knowledge and expertise. You can gain knowledge from other people as well. Blogging can help you earn fame, name, and money if done in the right way. So you must start your blog today in order to solve world problems, share your wisdom across the globe and earn decent money to fulfill your dreams.

I will guide you in this post about how to start a blog and make it run successfully for the long run.

When we talk about starting a blog then several websites like blogger, WordPress, Wix and many more come to our mind. Few of them like blogger and are free while the other has a paid yearly plan. I would recommend you to not go for free platforms because they have limited features which won't allow you to express yourself freely and they can shut down your blog at any time if they found anything on your blog that violates their policy. So it's better to have your own website then to rely on someone else.

While starting a blog you need 3 essential things to create your blog and those are Domain Name, Hosting Provider & Blogging platform. You can get each of them from different websites but I would recommend you to get it from Bluehost since they are a well reputed hosting company with great service response to customers.

Before getting started I would like you to follow me step by step in the other window tab and also bookmark this page in case you miss some steps then you can follow from previous last step in order to construct an amazing blog.

Here are the 10 steps that will guide you to build and set up a perfect blog.

1. Head on to Bluehost. Click on Get Started.

2. Select the plan which suits you best. The current prices may vary with the following images since it was taken a few weeks ago.

3. Type your domain name which you wish to use for your blog. In my case, I have used supertechiez to show you an example.

4. If the domain name is available then it shows you the following screen.

5. Now fill up your address details and in package extras untick all except Domain Privacy Protection.

6. After you have done the payment. Login into your Bluehost account.

7. In the dashboard, Under the website section click on Install WordPress.

8. Select "Do it Yourself" and press the "Install' button

9. Kindly write your domain name, click on check domain and in the next page install WordPress.

10. Now, After finishing the installation, go to the login page of your WordPress. You can go there by In my example I have taken, therefore I will type The similar screen will appear after which you have to enter your credentials and login into your WordPress account. 

Now your Blog account has been activated and is all ready to amaze the world. Half victory has been achieved at this stage but still, a lot of work has to be done in order to build a superb blog.

After login, you will see a variety of options on the left side of the dashboard. You have to transform the basic theme into an attractive visual theme in order to appeal to the reader. For changing the theme, head onto the Appearance and click on themes.

Select the theme of your desire from the available themes and install it.

After installation, click on activation.

After activating the theme, give a site name and tagline to your blog by going in Settings > General.

Now add relevant pages to your blog that helps the user to navigate and get the information he is seeking from your blog. Add pages such as About Us, Blogs, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, Products or Services Page.

Add blog page where you will be publishing your posts. Kindly select the template as a blog on the blog page.

Now your website content and sections are enough to start your blogging journey. Now click on posts on the dashboard, write title and content. Publish your first blog.

Hence, you are a blogger now with your own blogging website. Cheers!!

Now you are done with building your blog but now the most important thing is to drive enormous quality traffic to your blog. Traffic for a blog is just like oxygen for humans. Your blog can do wonders for you if you learn the art of driving traffic. You need to learn SEO and many several factors for driving a crazy amount of traffic.

How To Generate Traffic Towards Brand New Blog

A survey was done among the bloggers by GrowthBadger about the importance of several factors related to the success of a blog based on a rating scale of 0 - 10. This survey study consisted of 1117 bloggers of different niches. Their responses were divided into two groups: bloggers who make $50,000 per year or more from their blogs (whether directly or indirectly) vs. lower-income bloggers. You can see in the image below how the quality of the content was the most crucial factor in the success of most money making blogger.
 Therefore, while writing a blog always keep in mind that your words surrounding your topic of the content will be the biggest deciding factor in the growth of your blogging career.

Key Factors That  Drives Traffic To Your Blog

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Content Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Forum Marketing

We will discuss each factor in detail below where we will also try to figure out the best possible steps that can help us increase the visibility of our blog across the web

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization which basically means optimizing or adjusting your site content and structure in such a way that it improves your rankings in organic search results of search engines. SEO also includes social sharing of your content. As your rankings improve in search engines simultaneously your traffic increases.

What are the basics of SEO?

In SEO there comes two categories which are On Page Optimization and Off Page Optimization. Let us go through the basics of both of them.

On Page Optimization

On Page Optimization deals with changing and optimizing the content and structure of your website. Here goes the list of things that comes under On Page Optimization.

1. Meta Title and description

When you choose to write a blog on a particular topic then make sure the title and description is exactly relevant to your content. The optimal limit of characters for Title is 70 characters while for description the limit is of 160 characters.

2. Relevant URL's

Always try to use the url's which are user-friendly, easy to understand and relevant to your content.

3. Image Optimization

Adding up an image in your blog makes it more attractive to visitors. Try to reduce the size of images in order to achieve high-quality images with minimum size. Try to add alt text to each of your blog's image which will help search engines to better understand your articles and improve your blog's visibility across the web.

4. Mobile Optimization

Most of the visitors that come across your blog are coming through mobile. Make sure your blog is mobile friendly and works super smooth on mobile devices.

5. Sitemap

A sitemap helps search engines to understand and crawl your content. The sitemap is a kind of file where all sections of your site are listed. It presents your detailed site content to search engines in a sorted and simple manner.

6. Robots.txt

When you want some pages, texts or images of your site not to be accessed by crawlers and also not to be indexed then you can use robots.txt for this task.

7. Site speed

According to latest research findings if your website doesn't load up in 2 sec or less than 2 seconds than 50% of your visitors are tend to leave your site. So make sure your site is super fast. Check your site speed after optimizing your site content.

8. Unique Content

Content is the king. Always write your unique content without copying even a line from other sources since google can easily catch your copying and penalize you by not showing your content to users.


Instead of using HTTP protocol use HTTPS for your blog site where “S” in “HTTPS” stands for “Secure”. Google recommends that all sites should possess a secure protocol in order to tackle Hacking and Spamming. You can get a secure protocol through an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate. SSL ensures that any data processed between the web server & browser of the searcher remains private. You can see yourself that Google Chrome or any other web browser shows Not Secure while you access any HTTP site which appears to be untrustworthy to visitors and that ultimately force them to leave the site without any further navigation. So it's better to have HTTPS.

10. Depthful Content

Whenever you write a piece of content then make sure that you go in depth and share your vast knowledge at its best.

11. Quality over Quantity

It doesn't matter how long your blog post is until unless it doesn't have good quality content in it. If you are posting blogs frequently but of poor quality then it's not gonna help in getting more traffic. While if you are posting a few blogs of high quality then it has the capability to drive crazy traffic to your blog.

12. Infographics

Infographics help in presenting complex data in an attractive visual format. Always try to use infographics in your blog post since it combines facts, information with compelling attractive designs which attracts the visitors at your site and makes the blog more amazing from the perspective of a reader.

Off Page Optimization

Off Page Optimization deals with spreading your content across the web in the most efficient and tactful way. This step comes after you have completely done with the On-Page Optimization. We will be dealing here with Link building which means getting our site's link across other web pages through various ways. Here goes the list of things that come under Off-Page Optimization.

1. Sharing on Social Media

Try to share your new piece of content on every social media platform across the common interest groups where users might be really interested in your article.

2. Backlink Exchange Strategy

You can exchange your site backlink with other bloggers of similar niche where both of you will be sharing links of each other on each other's website.

3. Guest Posts

You can reach out to other bloggers where you can offer them a unique article for their blog in exchange for a backlink.

4. Email Outreach

Do backlink analysis of your competitor and try to find out from where your competitor is getting high-quality links. Then reach out to those website owners and asking them to link your website as well in return of favor in terms of money or unique article for them.

While doing Off Page SEO make sure the platforms where your links are going to be placed are relevant to your blog content.

Your SEO part is also done. Now let's move on to other driving factors.

Content Marketing

Content marketing comes under the inbound marketing strategy. It is basically creating awesome content and then sharing that content to relevant audience through means of social media channels. In simple terms, once we are done with creating the blog post and it's on page optimization, we share it across social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Linkedin. You can share your blog link across these platforms.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is the most essential element in blogging since you directly connect with each one of your user directly through emails. Email Marketing comes under the outbound marketing strategy. In email marketing, we are sending promotional offers, latest blog notifications, and newsletters to our potential customer through emails. You can share your blog update with people through email marketing. You can use tools such as GetResponse, Mailchimp or Aweber for strategic email marketing where you will be creating a database of emails and then shooting up the emails to potential customers.

Video Marketing

In simple terms, Video Marketing can be termed as using video content in order to promote the product and services of a brand. According to a survey study by HubSpot Research team, more than 50% of consumers want to see videos from brands more than any other type of content. You can utilize this key information and promote your blog through video platforms such as youtube & Instagram. You can either create your own channels about your blog or you can share your blog update through the comment section of channels of similar interest. Video is effective, easily accessible and has emotional connect to users. Recently search engines are giving priority to video platform search results. You can utilize the benefit of it through video marketing your blog.

Forum Marketing

In Forum marketing you go to different forums that are relevant to your knowledge and expertise. Then you share your piece of advice and knowledge while parallelly promoting your content as well. The simple steps involved in forum marketing are - Find the right forum for your content, create an account in that forum and start answering the questions asked by users relevant to your knowledge. Try to share the links of your blog in your answers. This method will help you generate traffic and will also help gain recognition for your blog. You can use forum platforms such as Quora, Reddit, Yahoo Answers for Forum Marketing. You can also go to blogs of relevant content and promote your blog through the comments section. 

Google Algorithm Updates That Every Amateur Blogger Must Know

Every blogger wants to rank on top in google search results while a keyword relevant to their blog is searched. Google search engine works upon certain principles and algorithms. Once you understand this then you will be far ahead of 60% of your competitors in terms of rankings since most of them are either unaware of it or ignoring it while writing content. Here goes the list of essential google algorithm updates.

1. Google Panda

Google Panda analyzes website and figures out what kind of quality content is present over the page. If the page is having high-quality content then google rewards it with top-ranking positions and if quality content is found out to be poor then it makes you invisible on top pages of search results. So make sure your every blog post you are publishing is having top-notch quality content.

2. Google Penguin

Google Penguin basically deals with links that are contextually used on your pages and are going to different domains. If links from your blog are taking the user to a trustworthy source then it is fine but if those links are taking the user to the shady or spammy site then be ready to face the heat from Google. It's going to create a bad negative impact on your site rankings. So make sure your outbound links are taking the reader towards trusted sites.

3. Google Pigeon

This Google Pigeon update basically deals with giving the best local results to the user. If a user is searching for hotels while being in California then google will figure out the best and nearest hotel to him in California. You can get the best out of this update is by listing your site in business directories. This algorithm improves distance and location ranking parameters.

4. Google Hummingbird

Google Hummingbird tries to find out the meaning behind the search query by interpreting the user's mindset behind the query. It tries to think like a human while delivering the results for a search query. The goal of this update is to match the pages with meaning rather than pages matching with a particular searched word.

5. Google Payday Loan

Google Payday Loan was introduced to clean up spammy queries such as "casino". People used highly searched queries in order to bring traffic to their website. This update focuses upon removing such spammy sites from appearing in top results.

6. Google Mobile-Friendly update (Mobilegeddon)

It was termed as a mobile-friendly update which focused upon experience of viewing web pages from smaller screens. It was an innovative update and approach by Google in 2015.

7. Google Fred

Fred is all those minor updates that take place every moment to google search algorithm

8. Google Top Heavy 

This update is a kind of filter which prevents sites with heavy ads from ranking well in Google rankings. So make sure you don't place too many ads on your blog site.

9. Google EMD (Exact Match Domain)

Google EMD update prevents poor quality content sites from ranking well simply because they had words that match search terms in their domain names. 

10. Google Pirate

Google Pirate Update focuses upon new and unique content. This update prevents sites with different copyright infringements from ranking on top results in search rankings. So make sure your content is always unique.

Always consider the above algorithm updates while writing your content and publishing your blog. Half of your competition is gone after you strictly follow the above updates while writing each one of your masterpiece articles. 

 The 3 things to always remember for a blogger.

1. Write the content that will be really useful to someone who lands on your page in search of solutions to his problem.

2. Try to follow digital marketers and Google updates since they might be having a solution to your problem related to blogging.

3. Try to engage with your readers through the comment section and try to resolve their queries with perfect solutions.

This is just a first step towards your blogging journey, there are plenty of things ahead to learn and evolve in the quest to become the Pro Blogger. You need to sharpen up the edge of your knowledge every day in order to stay ahead of your blog competitors and provide the best useful content to your visitors.

How To Monetize Your Blog

No matter which group you’re in, making money with a blog – whether it’s a hobby blog or a business blog –is possible. It’s not a get rich quick ordeal, but if you do it right, you could make enough to support your family and more. Let’s dive in and see how you can make a profit with your blog.

Monetize with CPC or CPM Ads

One of the most common ways bloggers make money is through placing ads on their site. There are two popular types of ads:

CPC/PPC Ads: Cost per click (also called pay per click) ads are usually banners that you place in your content or sidebar. Each time a reader clicks on the ad, you are paid for that click.
CPM Ads: CPM Ads, or “cost per 1,000 impressions,” are ads that pay you a fixed amount of money based on how many people view your ad.
Perhaps the most popular network for placing these types of ads is Google AdSense. With this program, you do not need to be in direct contact with advertisers; you simply place the banner on your site, Google chooses ads relevant to your content, and your viewers click on the ads. There are countless similar programs available if you find that AdSense doesn’t work for you, such as Chitika, Infolinks, and | One of the largest ad-tech companies worldwide.

Sell Private Ads

Working with advertising networks isn’t your only option when it comes to selling ads. If you end up with enough traffic, advertisers may come directly to you and ask you to place their ad on your site. You can also contact advertisers yourself. The biggest difference from the above mentioned option is that there is no middle man, which means you can set your own ad rates.

Selling private ads can come in the form of banners, buttons, or links. You can even make money writing sponsored posts where you write about or give a review of an advertiser’s product or service. Another option is to write an underwritten post or series, which is where you can write about any topic, but the advertiser pays for a “Brought to you by” mention in the content.

The ways you make money with this can vary. For instance, you might charge a one-time fee for a link within a post. If you are hosting banner ads, you might charge your partner monthly.

Bonus tip: To maximize your income, you can also choose to sell sponsorship space in your email newsletters (here are 5 best email marketing software), podcasts, and videos.

Include Affiliate Links in Your Content

Affiliate marketing is also another great tool for monetizing your blog. Here is how affiliate marketing works:

An advertiser has a product she wants to sell. She agrees to give you a commission from each sale if the buyer is coming from your site.
She gives you a unique link that tracks your affiliate code. That way, she knows when a buyer used your link to make a purchase.
You include your affiliate link on your site. You can do this directly in the content or through banner ads. If a reader clicks on your unique link and buys the product you have recommended, you earn a percentage of what she purchased.
You can utilize affiliate marketing through ad networks like Amazon Associates, or you can create private partnerships with advertisers and businesses with an affiliate program.

Sell Digital Products

If you would rather not advertise other people’s products on your site, or if you are looking for another stream of income, consider selling digital products. This can include items like:


Online courses/workshops
Images, video, or music people can use in their own content
Apps, plugins, or themes
Just remember that if you are going to choose one of these avenues that you make it relevant and useful to your readers. A lot of bloggers make the mistake of assuming they are developing a product their readers need; listen to your readers first, and then create a digital product that will meet their needs.

Use it as a Content Marketing Tool for Your Business

It is also possible to sell physical products on your blog and to make money that way. Instead of thinking of it as making money from your blog, however, think of your blog as a content marketing tool that will drive visitors to your business website.

The possibilities are practically endless when it comes to developing a business blog. You could sell hand-made products, books, manufactured products, and so much more. Or you might already have a business and decide to start a blog to convert loyal customers.

Lets say, for example, that you refurbish and resell used smartphones out of your home. You could use a blog to attract visitors to your website where you list your current phones for sale. Your blog might cover topics about DIY refurbishing. On one level, it seems counterintuitive because you want people to buy your phones, but it also helps you build a brand and gain recognition. Social media guru Jay Baer explains the concept on Copyblogger:

I was at a conference a few years ago, and this is where I first sort of started thinking about this concept, and their founder, Robert Johnson, was speaking…

He said, “Well our best customers are the people that think they can fix it themselves.”

But eventually you are going to get out of your depth either on that project on a project down the road, at which point who are you going to call? Are you going to call somebody randomly that you discovered on Google or are you going to call the guys who you just watched their logo in the corner of a 14-minute instructional video?

This concept can also be applied to services in all types of industries. For instance, if you offered electronic repair services as opposed to physical products, you could still use the same blogging concept to increase brand awareness and convert more clients.

Sell Memberships

Another option to make money is to sell memberships to exclusive corners of your website. For instance, a career blog might charge $10 per month for users to gain access to their job board. A startup business blog might sell memberships to their forums where people can get personalized advice about their business.

The key here is that your exclusive membership has to be more valuable than something your visitors can find for free somewhere else, so be sure you̢۪re developing something of value and worth the price.

Use it to Build Your Credibility

Blogging to build credibility can lead to many money-making opportunities. For instance, let us say you start a blog in the finance industry. People start reading your content, and your blog becomes very popular. You are now a recognized figure in the finance industry.

Once you have that authority, people might approach you to co-author a book on debt management, or you could charge to speak at conferences or to run employee financial training days.

This certainly isn’t a direct form of making money blogging, but it has worked for many well-known bloggers, and it can work for you, too. If you’re looking for a direct revenue stream, popular blogs have sold for 4-7 figures (sometimes more) by selling their branding and content.

The biggest thing to keep in mind is that making money blogging is not possible by putting your site up and letting it sit there. The “if you build it, they will come” mentality doesn’t work here, so be sure you’re willing to put in the time. Most bloggers don’t see a spike of income for several months (sometimes years) after starting their blog. Before you dive too deep into blogging, remember these little bits of advice:

Create Quality Content

You are not going to make any money from your blog if people don’t read it. After all, your readers are the ones who are going to make you money, whether they’re clicking on your ads or buying your products. Always put your readers first.

Don’t Spend Your Time Exclusively on Your Blog

Developing a successful blog has a lot to do with building relationships. That can include relationships with sponsors, affiliate partners, or simply other bloggers who will direct traffic to your blog. Be sure some of your time is spent on forums and other blogs (or whatever works for you) to build these relationships and your blog.

Don’t Be Afraid to Experiment

Not all of these tips and avenues of income are going to work for you. Don’t be afraid to tweak your methods to see what works best for you and your readers.

Making money blogging can take a lot of persistence, but it can pay off in the long-run if you’re starting out from scratch. Just remember that you don’t have to use all of these money-making avenues at once. Consider what other people in your industry are doing, and start from there.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Best Trusted Websites & App To Earn Money Online in 2019

1. Swagbucks (Global)

This one is a widely used survey website across many countries. It gives you points in the form of SB per successful survey which you can convert in dollars and get via PayPal or vouchers. I am using Swagbucks even now and getting payments for it. You can see the screenshot attached below of my first swagbucks reward.

Here is a complete guide on How to earn with Swagbucks. Swagbucks is one of the legit site to earn great rewards. Get a sign-up bonus now on Swagbucks! You can then redeem your Swagbucks points (SB) for products from over 200 brands or you can encash through PayPal like I did. Visit Swagbucks and start making money now.

2. Opinion World  (India) 

Opinion world was established in 1977 by a well known international sampling company. They have tie-ups with multiple research organizations. You get a survey based upon your demographic location and expertise on both (mobile and desktop). Once you complete a survey then the rewards are credited in your account. Start earning today with Opinion World.

 3. Zen Surveys (Global)

Top market research companies need suggestions and opinions to make their future decisions on products and services through surveys done by users of a specific region. Zen surveys help build a strategy for leading corporations by getting deep insights by users choices and feedbacks through their surveys. Zen Survey has got positive feedback from most of the Review sites.

4. Ipsos (India)

Ipsos is a  global market research and a consulting firm located in Paris. They want your opinions to get the consumer insights which will help them understand customers. You can let your thoughts be heard. Users can sign-up to Ipsos and give their opinion for a chance to win great prizes.

5. Survey Junkie (US Only)

Survey Junkie is a legit site which pays users to take a survey that helps big organizations to make critical decisions in forming their future product strategy based upon the data collected through the surveys. They pay pretty decent amount compared to other survey sites.

6. Vindale Research (US Only)

Vindale Research lets you earn cash for completing online paid surveys, watching videos, reading your email and more. The site page says that you can earn up to 50$ per survey. This amount is pretty high compared to any other survey site. The main thing is they pay you in cash, not in points. 

7. Inbox Dollars (US Only)

InboxDollars pays members to read emails, take surveys online, play games, and go shopping! This is a great app to earn in your free time. Most users have rated it as a genuine and great site.  Let me elaborate how you get the bonus - Signup on Inbox dollars, confirm your mail and Boom!! 5$ in your account. Members Have Earned Over $56 Million In Rewards To Date. Try yourself and start earning today.

8. Survey Voices (US Only)

Survey Voices has been in survey research industry from a long time, all you need to do is instantly qualify in surveys, then view exclusive offers in exchange for your opinions and get access to paid surveys, clinical trial opportunities, and part-time work offers! You can become a part of it and earn per survey.

9. Nielson Mobile Panel (UK Only)

Nielsen has been helping businesses understand consumer behavior. For doing this they ask people across the globe about the content they like to watch on TV, experience online and listen to on the radio, as well as the products they’re buying or would like to buy. You just need to install this App and do nothing & just take rewards. They use integrated consumer neuroscience technology to capture your response to advertising and other marketing communications. Their pay is on par with other survey competitors. 

10. affLIFT

 Affiliate marketing is a marketing tactic used online in order to promote and advertise the products of various brands and companies. In affiliate marketing bloggers, influencers sign up as Affiliates on brand websites and then promote the brand through blogs on their own website. For every signup or sale that takes place through their affiliate links, they earn a hefty commission.

Can you imagine if someone comes over your website and just enters his email address. Do you know the amount you can earn? 

It's freaking 2$ - 6$ per email signup. It is possible because of Affiliate Marketing

If someone buys a product or service from your affiliate link then also you earn around 20% - 80% commission. For example, if a 100$ product is sold through your link then you can earn up to 80$ from it. affLIFT is a forum which teaches Affiliate Marketing to beginners and helps them earn their first dollars through affiliate marketing.

  Affiliate marketing helps in generating an approximate of 20% of the annual revenue. The research by Inc indicates that this industry of affiliate marketing is expected to generate around 7 billion dollars by the year 2020

Affiliate Marketing can bring you unexpected and lots of money if done in the right way. You will find lots of learning stuff around affiliate marketing. affLIFT is a trusted forum which will train you in affiliate marketing and will help you generate your first income through affiliate marketing methods. Activate your free account and start earning today. Proceed to affLIFT

11. Neevo Defined Crowd

They are working on artificial intelligence projects and needs human help to make the AI work more sharply. You are given very small tasks like record your voice for the shown text. They pay well as compared to other counterparts. It is similar to mturk in terms of work assignments. The website is user-friendly and you can easily great amount depending upon the kind of work.

12. Google Opinion Rewards

You can find an app with this name in the google play store. You are paid just to make 2 to 3 clicks within a 5-sec survey through the app. You can use those credits for purchasing an app over the play store. Within seconds of time, you earn a decent amount of dollars.

13. CashMagnet Android App

You just need to install the app into your android app and do nothing. This is a passive income source. Proceed to the App Cashmagmet. Kindly go through the various options available within the app for better payouts.

14. Lionbridge

They are also similar Appen but are comparatively a good paymaster. They also pay around 10-15 $ per hour depending upon the task. Proceed to the site Lionbrigde.

15. Survey Savvy

Get paid for short surveys and through their app on survey savvy. Proceed to the App Survey Savvy

Earning Through Online Tutoring

Get paid around 15$- 25$ for teaching English to kids online through your laptop or phone. These sites do require some teaching experience. The most trusted online money making sites through tutoring are listed down below. You can register on them, take a test and after passing, you can start teaching kids and money will start flowing into your account.

16. 51 TALK


18. DaDaABC

19. NiceTalk Tutor

Hope you will be able to earn through the above websites. There are many more websites available that I will update in future posts. If you are in US and want more trusted online money making sites then read Legitimate Paid Online Surveys In US 2019 while UK guys can read Best Survey Sites In UK 2019.

Making money online requires trusted sources where your hard work and efforts are valued & paid. If you come across such a genuine website where you were able to earn then kindly share your experience in the comment section down below and help the people to break the chains of 9 to 5 jobs and live a peaceful life. 

Friday, January 11, 2019

Best sites to teach online in 2019

We all dream of having a job that is not very demanding. A job that does not stress us out. Teaching is one of the least stress-full professions. At the same time, it earns you a lot of respect. It also gives you the opportunity to shape our future. Teachers are the base of any society or nation. Where there are great teachers, that country has a secure future. 

But over the years like every other profession, teaching has also evolved. Now you do not even have to go to school to teach if you lack time. You can teach a kid in Australia from the UK. And the internet has made it possible. It has broken down all the barriers that would prevent a person from realizing his/her dream. 

All you need is a laptop and the internet connection to enlighten the world with the knowledge that you possess.

Online teaching allows you to work from home using your personal computer. You impart your knowledge and get paid in return. You can teach whenever you wish to teach, unlike conventional teaching. There are various sites that let you do the teaching right from the comfort of your home and pay you in lieu of that. We are going to go through some of them one by one -

1- - Founded in 1998 is one of the oldest online platforms. It has its headquarters in New York City. It offers its services for around 40 subjects like Maths, Science, Foreign languages, Social Studies, English, etc. 

It provides on-demand classes from 4th grade to 12th grade, college students and professionals. So if you are looking to become an online teacher then this one should be on your list.

2 - Vipkid - Vipkid was founded in 2013 by Cindi Mi a former teacher. It is basically for Chinese students willing to learn English. The good thing is that more and more Chinese kids are willing to learn English nowadays. It opens a whole new world of opportunities for you. 

So if you are well versed in English than it can be your opportunity. You can earn 14-22$ per hour teaching on Vipkid. It has a minimum six-month contract for its teachers. It can be renewed later on.

3 - Buddy school - Buddy school is another great place for online teaching. You can easily start teaching at Buddy School. Just go to and create an account. Do not forget to add a photo. And you can start teaching right away. 

Buddy school has a buddy school calendar where you can declare your availability. Teachers get paid in advance by their students. So you do not have to worry about your amount.

4 - Chegg tutors - Chegg Tutors is also a very popular online teaching site. It has been functioning since 2011. You can teach whenever you want and from anywhere. Top teachers earn up to 20$ per hour at Chegg tutors.

You will have various subjects to choose from. Whenever students need help with your chosen subject, Chegg Tutors will direct them to you. 

5 - TutorVista - TutarVista is at number 5 on our list. It is becoming popular rapidly. It has a base of more than 2000 teachers. It provides services to students across the world at affordable prices, offering education in various subjects like Math, English, Physics, Hindi, Common Core, Essay Review, etc. It was founded in 2005 and has its headquarters in Ashland.

6 - Tutorhub - Tutorhub a UK-based online teaching platform, was founded around 8 years ago with an intention to provide online education to students around the globe. Almost all of its tutors are from the UK. 

It has more than 2500 tutors and 13000 plus registered students. It gives you the privilege to set your own rates depending on your experience. 

7 - Vedantu - Founded in 2011, Vedanut is a leading Indian online tutoring site. If you are willing to teach with Vedantu, you have a multitude of options to choose from. Many subjects like English, French, German, Hindi, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, etc are taught at Vedantu. 

You can earn up to 20000 rupees per month teaching at least 2 hours a day. Your earning grows with your experience.

8 - Skooli - Skooli is a well-known teaching platform. If you want to join Skooli, the first thing you need to do is to apply for a job on Skooli. Once you are approved you can start teaching. It offers services in many subjects like Math, Biology, English, Chemistry, Economics, etc. 

You can earn up to 25$ per hour on Skooli. It uses PayPal as a withdrawal option. Once you have 100$ in your account, you are eligible to withdraw your amount.

So these are some of the best online teaching platforms that can help you get your teaching career off the ground. The best thing about online teaching is that you can choose whenever you want and whatever you want. 

You can teach for a few hours or as long as you want. These sites do not require you to spend any money. So if you have a tutor inside you, it is time to get it out and make this world a better place.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Future Technology Trends That You Will Experience In 2019

In the past few decades the rise of technology is remarkable and growing at rapid speed with something new and unique coming up every now and then that totally surprise us. The term "Technology" is now a very vast concept and changing every moment. You can't predict what's coming up to amaze you this year. Here are the top future technology trends that you will experience in 2019.

1.Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence is the buzz word from the last two decades in the technology era.
The AI is developed a lot in the past few years due to the powerful machine learning and deep learning algorithms.

All companies are focusing to harness the power of AI as this is the only medium to be cutting age otherwise it takes no time to become obsolete in the technology world like Nokia and Blackberry.The power of AI is immense and companies are much more serious about it. There are tons of stories on the internet of replacing many employees with AI-based systems and making them redundant.

2. Blockchain

The blockchain is the distributed ledger system. It is the technology behind the Bitcoin or we can say behind all the crypto-currencies. Blockchain saves all the transaction between any two parties in the cryptographically secured blocks of data which are time stamped and mined through the consensus mechanism. All the blocks are linked with each other by a hash pointer which links to the previous block.

3. Internet of Things (IoT)

The IOT devices are connected to the internet continuously and we can detect and collect the data remotely. By the collection of data, we can monitor and analyze the data and made efficient systems and increase productivity.

There are many predictions about the total no connected devices in the world. IHS Markit projects 30.7 billion IoT devices for 2020, and Gartner expects 20.8 billion by that time (excluding smartphones, tablets, and computers). Lastly, IDC anticipates 28.1 billion (again, not counting those devices).

4. Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the way of accessing the shared computing power by the companies through the Internet. This shared computing is the availability of the storage, servers, databases, software, services and many others through the internet.

In cloud computing the cloud service providers like Microsoft, Amazon, and Google provide the shared resources services to the clients and charge according to the usage. Due to the cloud, there is no need to set up a dedicated server or IT service by the company.

5. Big Data / Data Science

Just like gold mining companies, companies require experts to get the valuable insight and meaning from the huge pile of data which is being generated every second.

These experts are called data scientist or Big Data Scientists as they know the tricks and techniques to make the data meaningful and useful for the corporations so that they can improve their efficiency, productivity, conversion ratio and eventually revenues.

6. Augmented Reality (AR)/ Virtual Reality (VR)

In virtual reality, with the help of computer graphics, we create a real experience. The reality is shown in the virtual world.

On the other hand, augmented reality is the implementation or overlay of the virtual world to the reality.

7. RPA: Robot Process Automation

The automation of the repeated clerical software tasks which are performed in organizations is the simple definition of Robot Process Automation.

Robot process automation as the name defines is the automation of the processes which are repetitive in nature. For example, the simple task of filling up the form by collecting various parameters by the customer's ID cards can be done by RPA very efficiently and effectively.

RPA is based on the AI and Machine learning in which the software records the human workflow and then adapts it to work more efficiently than a human. It automatically learns the processes in the due course of time by deep learning and machine learning algorithms.

RPA will improve the productivity, cycle time and efficiency of the processes and systems.

8. Autonomous Driving (Robot Cars: ROS)

The only name comes to the mind when you listen autonomous driving is Tesla and if you don’t know about the Tesla then you are living in some deserted place.

Tesla made the electric car more stylish and more performance driven than the traditional gasoline cars. Electric cars are now more advanced than traditional gasoline cars in every feature.

9. Cyber Security

The cybersecurity experts act as a guard to protect the silos of data and websites from the hacking.

There is a huge demand for the cybersecurity professionals throughout the world and it will be getting increases as hackers are also becoming more technologically advanced and powerful.

10. Digital Marketing

The digital marketing domain is not new but I want to include this as this domain will be increasing in the coming years and have the potential to employ and impact the major part of the human civilization.

Digital marketing is the use of internet tools and platforms to interact with prospective customers and pursue them to buy product and services.

As more and more business and people are going online there is a need for the digital marketing experts in the technology space.

11. 5G Technology

5G technology will also be counted among the top business tech trends for 2019. It will provide us with unparalleled speed of data transfer and widespread range, which will help the businesses offer effective services to their customers and workforce.

12. Cryptocurrency

After Bitcoin’s meteoric price jump in 2017, major tech players have begun to take cryptocurrencies seriously. Along with major Initial Coin Offerings that have hit major news outlets like Ethereum, smaller companies are developing Stable coins that provide attempt to provide all the pros of cryptocurrency transactions without the price fluctuations that have plagued the system. As these coins begin to work themselves out and exchanges even out the fluctuations in prices, expect these assets to be mainstream methods of payment by 2020.

13. Interactive Product Visualization

Most would agree that, when it comes to online shopping, illuminating visualization is the best way for merchants and marketers to present their products to consumers so that they can study every detail and make an informed purchase decision without regretting it afterwards.

Consequently, the seamless zoom feature has become very popular lately, as it allows customers to zoom in on certain details and to get a better feel for the product without actually touching it.

To enhance the online shopping experience, merchants can also consider using demo videos to show products in action. According to Invodo Reports, 52% of consumers say that watching product videos makes them more confident in online purchase decisions.

3D imaging is another option, since, according to the Cappasity research, 95 percent of respondents prefer an interactive 3D representation to video playback.

It’s only recently that current 3D technologies have advanced enough to be able to process product features that not so long ago were considered out of reach: black, shiny, and glossy objects such as silks, leathers and jewelry items, anything transparent, unusually shaped or textured, all that is now no obstacle.

Increased customer engagement is not the only benefit of 3D product imaging, as it also boosts metrics that are far more tangible, with conversion rate being a prime example.

With 3D product imaging, TSUM, one of the largest luxury goods department stores in Eastern Europe, managed to increase its conversion rate by almost 40% for products in the shoes and bags categories. TSUM is the first company to have digitized over 40,000 products in 3D.

14. Voice Technology

With half of the world giving commands to Alexa, Siri and Google Now to get their work done, Voice technology will rule the market. It will become a necessity of the businesses to integrate this technology into their processes to create a seamless and effective experience

15. 3D Metal Printing

Now, 3D metal printing is poised to be the next big wave in this industry.HP is planning its first offering, the Jet Fusion model, which it hopes will make a difference in the metal parts manufacturing sector. Other industry giants are also on board: GE has been printing metal fuel nozzles for its Leap jet engines, and Nike’s even printing metal cleats.

Looking to more delicate products, 3D metal printing is uniquely beneficial to toy and jewelry businesses. With a 3D printer, a massive factory is no longer needed to create beautiful pieces for small or medium-size businesses — and that will change the competitive landscape.

The future of technology is unpredictable and uncertain. The evolution attached to it is rapid and changes the way we think. One thing is for sure and that is technology is the future.